Incomplete: The ad is in the process of being created and is saved in the system before being completed OR the package linked to the ad has been removed from the cart. An ad with this status remains available in the user's MyPAC/My Ads section for 3 months.
Expired: The ad has expired. An ad with this status is no longer online but remains available in the user's MyPAC/My Ads section.
Pending: The ad is complete but cannot be published for one of the following reasons:
Payment for the ad hasn't been finalized.
Member registration hasn't been confirmed through the email.
The visitor/user didn't activate their ad through the message sent to their email.
You have a monthly plan and all your ad spaces are currently occupied.
Approval pending: The ad is completed, paid for, and awaiting approval by the LesPAC customer service team before it can go online.
Online: The ad is completed, paid for, and published on and its mobile apps.
Invisible (offline): The ad is completed and paid for. The user has voluntarily opted to make their ad invisible (offline) in the MyPAC/My Ads section.
Postdated: The ad is completed, paid for, and its publication date is scheduled in the future.
Sold/Closed: This status is manually assigned by the user when they click on the "Sold" option in the MyPAC/My Ads section.